What Happened What's NextWhat the Hell is Mania
What Happened What's Next and What the Hell is Mania Well jeez, in a lot of ways, if I knew I probably would not have had 3 separate psych ward stays, emptied my bank account, and cut myself off from those who love me the most. But here I go. Bi-Polar disorder is a bitch but bipolar 1 is really one of the worst diseases you can have in the sense that you have literally no control over your brain. Unlike everyone who has their ups and downs that are like the top and bottom of a hill my ups and downs are like the top of Mount Everest and the bottom of a coal shaft not only is it hard to breathe in both spots but one wrong move can kill you in either spot. I am not really sure when where or how it started. Work was stressing me out because I was up for a promotion and a pay raise I did not feel I deserved. You probably never thought you'd see someone type that but when you are deathly afraid of success things to happen. Some of my best friends, brother, and girlfriend at the ti...